Friday, October 12, 2012

Next Child Post-Abortion Trauma

By Mattie
This is only my personal testimony, not the proof of any study.

I am, as most of you already know, the oldest daughter of Christian an Christine. They have asked me to write this as a follow up to their testimony.

When I was about eight years old, my mother decided to take me to see a psychologist, due to several issues I was experiencing.
The main issues were a tremendous fear of separation from my parents, to the point where it would make me physically sick (throwing up, fevers and chill, etc...). EVERY time my parents left, no matter the amount of time.
Another issue was my fierce temper; I just couldn't get along with my mother. We were constantly fighting. Of all our clashes, though, homework time was a nightmare (so much so that my sister became an A+ student in order to avoid having to do homework with my Mom) any kind of request from my mother would put me into a terrible rage.

Mattie, 8 years old
We ended up having only one visit with the psychologist and here's how it went:

First, Mom and I went in, the psychologist asked Mom what the issues were, etc...
Then the psychologist made me play a few games, draw a few things, and finally called Mom back in, actually asking me to wait in the waiting room.
The psychologist discussed with Mom her past, and my past, and Mom told her that she had had an abortion three years before getting pregnant with me.
“That’s it!” the psychologist said. “She knows about it! Subconsciously she knows about it! You have to tell her, and tell her now!” Then she called me back in, and Mom painfully explained to me what had happen, not getting into details because the psychologist was still in the room.

Feeling confused, as though the task was not finished, Mom took me to the park afterwards, and actually talked to me about it in more detail and greater intimacy. We also prayed about it.

We sat in front of this fountain to talk
Since then, I stopped panicking each time my parents had to leave and our relationship has evolved tremendously. If my husband was not my best friend, I would say that my mother is. We share many things together from scrapbooking to working side by side in our family owned business!

It has also kept me from making the same mistake. I avoided promiscuity and anything that could put me in a situation where I would be at risk.

And this was in 1986! In Socialist France! They know, the psychologists, the doctors, they know the damage abortion creates! But the money is more essential to them. So please do yourself and your children a favor. If you have had an abortion, share it with them, let them know! It will truly heal your family! It will be hard, yes, but SO worth it!

Mom and I

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